Darcy Schlechtleitner
Personal Real Estate Corporation
This Lemons to Lemonade story could only be made with a huge personality, fearlessness (even if she had been scared lots), constant education, huge goals, failure and huge success. She believes Real Estate is the LAND of opportunity. Darcy started in Real Estate at 24 with no need to conform to the norm of the field. She made it very hard for herself. Although successful, she lacked systems and goals and a coach. When she became coachable, her income grew 5 times and her team from 1 to 10. She obtained the top 1% of her field and is number one individual and team in her offices. Her team broke the Million GCI after being coached and following models. She knows how to make commission, how to please the masses, how to create a give back company and more than anything, she knows how to coach others to do the same. She believes in coaching – it worked for her. Her coaching is simple – if you are coachable, whatever you seek will be. She is attached personally to your outcome just like she is with her clients and team. Its personal.